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Exploring The Average Life Insurance Policy Expenses in Boise

Chris Antrim, CLTC - Boise Health & Life Agency • Jan 18, 2024

Life insurance is one of the greatest investments as well as financial assistance you can give to your loved ones when you pass away.

Yet some people are wasting their opportunity about this or they don’t have the knowledge that life insurance is incredibly affordable.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the average cost of life insurance in Idaho along with it being the cheapest and affordable plan in the market. For some people wondering why life insurance is becoming a thing today is because, as a policyholder, you’ll never know where and when you will leave your loved ones, especially if your wages are their main source of income.

Idaho Life Insurance Average Cost

There are two primary types of life insurance: permanent life insurance and term life insurance, each type grows and pays out individually differently along with the different costs associated with it. Aside from that, there are some considerations that you must understand when you’re planning to buy life insurance—age, gender, amount of the benefit you’d prefer to receive from your beneficiaries, and health, lifestyle, and state you’re living in.

In Idaho, the life insurance average cost is around $597 per year or an average of $49 per month, which is lower than the national average.

Age Female Male
30 $19.79/month $23.49/month
40 $29.63/month $34.74/month
50 $60.68/month $81.23/month

Note: It is an important note that the life insurance cost increases as people age and most significantly after age 45. Age is the number one factor affecting your insurance because as we age people tend to lose their healthy immune system and are more prone to sickness. Those people who wait until they reach this age or older when you decide to purchase an insurance plan will typically pay much more.

How Much Is Life Insurance You Need

Many life insurance plans are affordable at the age of 20 to 30 years. However, the amount you need for your life insurance will depend on you and your household’s financial needs in case you pass away.

  • Income replacement. Multiply the desired wage replacement by the desired number of years of replacement. You need this replacement income to pay for both present and future costs.
  • A mortgage. You can include the remaining amount on a mortgage to ensure that your family won't have to worry about losing their house. There would be no need to add more mortgage money if income replacement (above) would already meet mortgage payments and other costs.
  • Other large debts. If you were to die suddenly, would your family have to fight to pay off other significant debts? If so, increase the total by those sums.
  • Children’s college tuition. If you were no longer here, make sure your kids have enough money for college tuition.The following could be included in the category of "existing assets that can be used toward bills":
  • Existing life insurance. Any additional life insurance you now possess is subtracted. However, you shouldn't rely solely on your employer's supplemental life insurance because it doesn't follow you around, so you can't be certain you'll have it in the future.
  • Savings. Take away whatever savings your family might have for spending money. If your beneficiaries wish to keep their retirement funds for their own use, you may either include them in your analysis or leave them out. An example of a retirement savings plan is a 401(k) plan.
  • College 529 savings. You can deduct the amount you need for life insurance from any 529 accounts you may have for your kids.
  • Burial costs. A lot of people desire life insurance to pay for their final costs including funerals. Some people purchase burial insurance if this expense isn't covered by a larger policy.

Once you already determined how much you want to leave to your family, you can now shop around to find the best plan and rates.

Term Life Policy

Term life insurance policy is the cheapest and the most affordable life insurance option. It is also considered an uncomplicated type of insurance in the market; it offers a death benefit if you die while you’re still the policyholder and expire in a period of time. Term life policy provides you the ability to choose a term length that fits your needs. For an age of mid-30s, you can take out a 20-year with $1 million term life policy and pay for a $50 or less for its monthly premium.

Benefits of Getting a Term Life Insurance Policy

Life is full of uncertainties, and as responsible individuals, planning for the future is a crucial aspect of financial well-being. One avenue that offers a blend of comprehensive coverage and affordability is a term life insurance policy. In this article, we delve into the reasons why considering a term life insurance policy is a prudent choice for individuals and families.

  • Affordability and Budget-Friendly Premiums: One of the primary advantages of a term life insurance policy is its affordability. Term life policies typically have lower premiums compared to other types of life insurance, making them an attractive option for those seeking cost-effective coverage. This allows individuals to secure substantial protection without straining their budget.
  • Flexible Coverage Duration: Term life insurance offers flexibility in choosing the coverage duration. Policyholders can select a term that aligns with their specific needs, whether it's 10, 20, or 30 years. This flexibility ensures that coverage is in place during critical life stages, such as raising a family, paying off a mortgage, or ensuring the financial security of dependents.
  • Income Replacement in Critical Years: During the term of the policy, individuals often have significant financial responsibilities, such as mortgage payments, education expenses, and other debts. Term life insurance serves as a safety net by providing a death benefit that can replace lost income and cover these financial obligations, ensuring that loved ones are not burdened in the event of the policyholder's untimely death.
  • Customizable Coverage Amounts: Term life policies offer the flexibility to choose coverage amounts based on individual needs. This customization ensures that policyholders can tailor their coverage to meet specific financial obligations, providing the right level of protection without unnecessary excess.
  • Supplemental Coverage for Specific Periods: Term life insurance is well-suited for individuals who need coverage for specific periods of their lives. For example, it can be instrumental in providing financial protection during the active parenting years, allowing policyholders to focus on their children's well-being without concerns about their financial future.
  • Ideal for Temporary Financial Responsibilities: Term life insurance is particularly suitable for addressing temporary financial responsibilities. Whether it's paying off a loan, covering educational expenses, or supporting dependents through critical life stages, the temporary nature of term life coverage aligns with these specific financial needs.
  • Peace of Mind Without Overcommitting: Opting for a term life insurance policy provides peace of mind without overcommitting to a long-term financial obligation. This allows individuals to have the coverage they need during critical periods without making a lifetime commitment to higher premiums.

Shopping For A Life Insurance

Life insurance works perfectly these days—death benefits for your beneficiaries. It is a wonderful investment you can get for yourself and for your family. You may not realize that days are coming by and you’re no longer healthy. Take the most of your younger age and find the best life insurance plan in the market. Don’t wait for you to get older to request your coverage.

Thank You For Reading!

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