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Short Term Health Insurance Plans For Families and Business

Chris Antrim, CLTC - Boise Health & Life Agency • Feb 14, 2024

What Are The Considerations When Buying Short-Term Health Insurance In Idaho

The health insurance marketplace is a new way to shop for and purchase health coverage.

It’s designed to make it easier than ever before to compare plans, find the best plan at an affordable price, apply online or over the phone, get help with your application, and more.

The Marketplace also provides information about how much you can expect to pay in premiums each month based on where you live and what kind of policy you buy.  Call Chris Antrim Insurance today for a quote. Find out more about us and the companies and plans we represent!

Blue Cross of Idaho

- Provides Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, and Medicare Advantage Coverage To The Residents of Idaho

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MEDICAID & MEDICARE. Explore the right plan to cover your healthcare needs. Get quality care and attention that works for your employees and business needs.

Short-Term Health Insurance

UnitedHealthcare offers a variety of short-term, or transitional coverage options to help families get back on their feet after an unexpected medical event. These policies provide access to care while protecting against financial hardship caused by out-of-pocket costs. Learn more about these temporary solutions below:

What is Short Term Health Insurance?

A short-term policy provides protection during periods when there’s no other source of payment available. It can be used as a bridge between long-term

Is short term insurance for me?

If you are looking for affordable and reliable protection against unexpected medical expenses or other costs that could put financial strain on your family’s budget, then short-term health insurance may be right for you. Short-term policies provide temporary coverage during periods of change such as:

  • A new job with different benefits
  • Moving into an apartment without knowing the cost of utilities
  • Traveling abroad
  • Starting college
  • Getting married

What does it cover?

Most short-term policies offer some combination of the benefits of short term health insurance. With short term health insurance from the same company as long-term solutions like group health insurance, you get all the great features of those policies with less cost. You'll have access to doctors, hospitals, prescription drugs and more through an easy online application process. And there are no deductibles or co-pays!

You won't face any medical bills while you wait for your permanent plan to kick in. Plus, it doesn't matter what happens during this time - whether you lose your job. Keep these short term insurance reminders in your long-term memory.

If you have any questions about short term health insurance, please contact us today!

What are the differences between short term health insurance and traditional health insurance?

Traditional health insurance has been around since before World War II. You pay monthly premiums based on how much risk you want to take on. Traditional policies cover routine doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, lab tests, x-rays, physical therapy, dental work, vision services, mental healthcare, maternity care, and emergency room treatment.

Short Term Health Insurance FAQs

  1. What is Short term health insurance?

A short term plan provides coverage that lasts a set period of time. The benefits are usually the same as those offered by other types of health insurance policies but they may not include some or all of your regular medical expenses such as doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription drugs, etc.

    2. How much does it cost?

The price depends on several factors including: your age.

    3. How long will a short-term health plan cover me?

Their household incomes are under the federal poverty level, so paying full price for health insurance is probably a non-starter. Others are caught by the family glitch, and although their coverage is technically considered “affordable,” that may not actually be the case.

The most commonly excluded categories of coverage are maternity care, mental health care, preventive care, and prescription drugs, although short-term plans can be designed to include or exclude whatever services they choose, unless states require certain mandated benefits to be covered..

    4. How long will a short-term health plan cover me?

Short-term policies typically last anywhere between one month and two years, depending on what type of policy you select. The duration depends on whether you get a renewable term life insurance policy or a fixed term policy. Renewable terms allow you to renew your policy every year until you cancel them; fixed terms usually expire after a set number of days or weeks.

    5. What happens when my short-term policy expires?

When your short-term policy ends, you'll need to find another way to obtain health coverage. 

Pre Existing Conditions

Under current law, health insurance companies can’t refuse to cover you or charge you more just because you have a “pre-existing condition” — that is, a health problem you had before the date that new health coverage starts. They also can’t charge women more than men.

What This Means for You? If your employer doesn't offer affordable group health care plans, this means you may be able to get better rates on individual policies through and state exchanges. If you are offered an individual plan with higher premiums but lower benefits, ask why. It could mean they don't want to provide comprehensive coverage. Or it might simply mean that their best deal was available only in groups of 50 people or fewer.

Why Consider Short-Term Health Insurance

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, individuals often find themselves in transitional periods or facing gaps in coverage due to various reasons such as job changes, waiting for employer benefits to kick in, or even early retirement. During these times, short-term health insurance emerges as a valuable option, offering a practical solution for individuals seeking temporary coverage. This article delves into the reasons why one might consider short-term health insurance and the advantages it can provide.

  • Flexibility in Coverage Periods: One of the primary benefits of short-term health insurance is its flexibility in coverage periods. Unlike long-term plans that may require a 12-month commitment, short-term plans typically offer coverage for periods ranging from one month to a year. This flexibility allows individuals to tailor their coverage to specific needs and timeframes.
  • Affordable Premiums: Short-term health insurance often comes with more affordable premiums compared to long-term plans. For individuals facing a temporary gap in coverage or those in good health looking for basic protection, short-term plans can provide a cost-effective solution. This affordability makes it an attractive choice for those on a tight budget or looking to save on monthly healthcare expenses.
  • Quick Enrollment and Immediate Coverage: In many cases, short-term health insurance plans have a streamlined application process, enabling quick enrollment. This means individuals can secure coverage promptly, providing a sense of security during transitional periods. The immediate coverage aspect is especially crucial for those who cannot afford to be without protection, even for a short duration.
  • Customizable Coverage Options: Short-term health insurance plans often come with customizable coverage options, allowing individuals to select the benefits that align with their specific needs. While they may not offer the comprehensive coverage of long-term plans, short-term policies can be tailored to cover essential medical expenses, providing a personalized and cost-effective solution.
  • Bridge the Gap in Coverage: Life is full of uncertainties, and unexpected gaps in health coverage can happen. Short-term health insurance acts as a bridge during these transitional periods, offering a safety net until more permanent coverage is secured. Whether it's a recent graduate waiting for employer benefits or an early retiree before Medicare eligibility, short-term plans help fill the void.

Short-term health insurance serves as a practical and cost-effective solution for individuals navigating transitional periods or facing temporary gaps in coverage. While it may not be suitable for everyone, the flexibility, affordability, and quick enrollment make it a valuable option for those in specific circumstances. Consideration of short-term health insurance can provide individuals with the peace of mind they need during times of change or uncertainty in the healthcare landscape.

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